Make and Do: Winter Wreath

DIY Wreath - Laura AshleySee how to make your own wreath thanks to the wonderful Cat from Take Courage…

Do you have your seasonal wreath yet? Outside on the door or indoors, they are a Winter decoration staple. Whether or not you already have a prepared wreath, you can easily custom make your own! We thought we’d ask the wonderfully creative Cat from the brilliant Take Courage to show us how to make your own wreath. Using whatever you please, Cat shows us just how easy they are to make…

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

Hello! For those of you who don’t already know me, my name is Cat, and I run a fun little lifestyle blog over at Take Courage. To get into the festive spirit, I thought I’d try my hand at making my own wreath this year. I’ve made a pom pom wreath before out of odds and ends of wool, but I fancied something a bit more traditional this time around, so I set about collecting some straggly branches from the pine tree in my mum’s back garden. It’s really simple to make your own wreath – and it’s the perfect way to spend a drizzly afternoon , wrapped up in a warm jumper with a hot mug of tea. Here’s how you can make one too!

You will need:

• Wreath ring – I went for a twine ring but you can also use a wire ring or a foam ring, they all work just fine and are easy to find at your local florist or craft shop.

• Garden wire – green is best for hiding between your pine branches.

• Lots of pine branches, or you could also use holly, off-cuts from a fir tree or any other greenery from your garden.

• Bits and bobs to decorate your wreath with – I found some potpourri which included dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks, pine cones and little red dried flowers. I also used some poppy seed pods, again from my mum’s garden, to make my wreath a little different!

• Big cup of tea (preferably in a Laura Ashley mug, like mine!) – this is essential.

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

Layer your pine branches around your ring, using small pieces of wire to hold each branch in place.  Keep building up the greenery, layering evenly as you go.  A nice trick is to experiment with using the different sides of the pine branches – the top side is darker than the bottom side, so by alternating the sides you can build up highlights and low-lights of green.

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

Once you’re happy with the greenery, you can start adding some extra decoration. Twist your wire around the base of your decorations, leaving a little tail, and then nestle them amongst the greenery, securing in place with the tail of the wire. Simple!

Twist a little bit of wire into a loop and attach to the back of your wreath, and then hang on your front door to greet your visitors!

To keep your wreath fresh, spray with water every couple of days so it will last well into the New Year.

DIY Wreath - Laura Ashley

We think this wreath is so fabulous, we’d have it on our door all year long! A big thank you to Cat for showing us how to do this!

Add to your seasonal decor with products from our lovely holiday collection featured on our website.

Felt Mistletoe Garland | Santa Doorstop | Ho Ho Ho Blocks | Snowflake Bells Decoration | 12 Days of Christmas Mug | Cookie Cutter Decoration Kit | Mini Christmas Tealights | Knitted Robin Decoration | Christmas Photo Booth Kit

Have you been inspired to make your own wreath? Let us know below or show us your pictures on Twitter @lauraashleyusa.

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