Ever attend a wine-and-paint night? The event itself is so enjoyable – dabbling in pigments, sipping wine, chatting with friends, and all in a creative atmosphere. I’ve attended a few because they are very fun but must confess to never liking my finished work of art – not enough to devote limited wall space to one of these renderings anyway. This project makes use of “my ugly painting” and if you don’t have one of your own, any blank canvas will do. Essentially, we will be wrapping the front of the canvas like a present to create a memo board. So simple to do and non-permanent, you can easily switch fabric for the seasons.

What You Will Need

- Canvas
- Fabric
- Scissors
- Flat Head Thumbtacks

Begin by sizing up how much fabric you will need to fully cover the front of the canvas plus about a half-inch margin all around. Cut the fabric and for best results, follow by pressing with an iron on the proper setting.

On a flat surface, place fabric print side down; center canvas face-down over the fabric. Imagine you are tightly wrapping a present; gently pull and then fold fabric at corners of the canvas and use flat-head thumb tacks to secure fabric to the back of the canvas at intervals all around.
To create a pocket as shown, follow the instructions above then wrap the lower half a second time. The fabric hugs the already covered base, like an apron over a dress, and it gets fastened in the back.

To continue the romantic look, use pearl-head corsage pins over traditional push pins to secure items you wish to display.

Visit Elyse on Instagram at @elyse.press.major