Laura Ashley fabric and a creative mind produce beautiful handmade Christmas Decorations!
It’s the time of year when we want to get crafty and spend more time with our family creating unique decorations. This is a simple and easy way to make your own tree decorations in any shape and colour you like!
You will need:
– Cookie cutters
– String
– Selection of fabrics in different prints (I have chosen my favourite LA prints –Adlington Fir and Fernshaw Cranberry)
– Stuffing or cotton wool
– Needle and thread
– Pencil and card paper
– Pinking shears

First step is to choose your favourite shapes. I went for the holiday ones: star, heart and tree. But of course you can choose anything you like.
Next, take your cookie cutter and draw around the shape onto the paper and cut it out.

Then, fold the fabric in two (so you get both sides of the print), pin the paper shape and fabric together so it’s steady and cut around with your pinking shears.

I have used a straight stitch, but if you are more skilled then even better! Stitch the two pieces of the fabric together, near the edge.
When you are reaching the top of your decoration, cut a piece of string – around 6 to 7 inches – make a loop and secure it by stitching between the two sides of the fabric.
When you have nearly finished stitching, fill the shape with stuffing and use the pencil to cram it all in.
Then finally, stitch the remaining gap, secure the thread and voila! Beautiful, handmade decorations.

Will you be getting crafty this Christmas? Have you made any decorations yourself? Let us know below or on Twitter @lauraashleyusa