Take a Look Inside our Silver Silhouette Collection

Iona Silver Floral Wallpaper, Lemington Silver Dot Throw, Iona Slate Grey Floral Fabric on Lampshade, White Flower Arrangement | Cushions: Iona Slate Printed and Beaded, Pineapple Beaded, Mulholland Steel Check

Come with us as we take a look through one of our favourite Home Collections…

Inspired by the growing popularity of clean, cool colour, our Silver Silhouette home story is a carefully curated collection of steels and chromes. Layering pattern and colour for a casually sleek style, detail comes in the form of patterns drawn from flora and fauna, and statement silhouettes like our beaded pineapple cushion. This collection is the perfect choice to create a space that is open and calm.


Snuggle down, light the fire and have a cup of tea. With our luxurious throws and cushions, this will soon be your reality.

Brampton Stripe Slate Grey Wallpaper | Cushions (l to r): Dartmoor Grey Faux Fur, Nigella Square Velvet in Truffle, Payton Knitted Steel, Iona Slate Printed and Beaded, Westwick Velvet Applique, Pineapple Beaded Silver | Throws: Dylan Steel Check, Payton Knitted Steel, Lemington Silver Dot

Add our Ready Made Curtains for a simple finishing touch.

Iona Slate Grey Ready Made Curtains | Payton Knitted Steel Throw


This is where you can create some serious elegance. Keep it simple as less is definitely more in this case; just let our exclusive paint collection be the centerpiece. A silver or pale silver coat or two will enhance the colour of the room. See all colors online at TheBonTon.com


Think sophisticated chic. These silvery tones of grey will create the perfect feminine boudoir. Enjoy 30% off all bedding TODAY ONLY February 15 !!!! 

Pussy Willow Dove Grey Embroidered Duvet Cover and Shams | Cushions: Mulholland Steel Check, Dartmoor Grey Faux Fur | Throw: Dartmoor Grey Faux Fur

For you yoga and gym dwelling ladies, our well-being range will help you relax even more.

Brampton Stripe Slate Grey Wallpaper | Iona Gym Bag with Yoga Mat Holder | Iona Floral Double Layer Yoga Mat


Similar to your bedroom, your bathroom is somewhere where you want to be able to switch off and relax; our new Little Vines towels will help you do just that. This is your chance to treat yourself to some sweet smelling candles and fragrances and don’t forget the body lotions and potions for the ultimate spa experience.

Scented Hand Wash and Lotion Set | Little Vines Sculpted Towels | Scented Candles

You won’t go wrong with this collection. With steels and chromes paired with floral patterns and checks, it really is one of the most versatile collections for any style home.

What do you think of our Silver Silhouette collection? Let us know below or @LauraAshleyUSA

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