Gardeners Know All The Dirt…


As the leaves change colour and begin to fall, you may think it’s time to put away your trowel and pruners, but this is the time our gardens need us the most! We took a trip (with our Laura Ashley gardening supplies) to our local garden center for some fall planting tips.

Kimono Heart Shaped Basket | Cressida Garden Tool Bag | Cressida Kneeler

Since our group included novices, semi-pros and admitted black thumb gardeners, our gardening expert suggested we all choose a planter and steered us toward the low maintenance plants and flowers.


With our planters in hand, next came the soil tutorial. For those of us who chose pansies, we needed to add fertilizer with our soil – recommended was 100% organic Fall Flower and Pansy Food.

Kimono Gauntlet Garden Gloves | Laura Ashley Trowel

Pansies can be planted in full sun to part shade and last through early spring.

Cressida Garden Tool Bag | Cressida Light Duty Garden Gloves
Cressida Light Duty Garden Gloves | Laura Ashley Trowel

If you prefer plants, ornamental kale or cabbage adds colour and tolerates cold weather well. Frost can actually enhance their colour.


But if ornamental plants don’t satisfy your appetite, plenty of leafy greens can flourish in this cooler weather.

Kimono Heart Shaped Basket

Or feel free to mix plants with edibles like basil for a yummy addition to your garden!


For our more forgetful gardeners, you can care for cactuses and succulents, which include agave, euphorbia and aloe. These plants require minimal care and are perfect for indoor decoration.


We made some ‘friends’ along the way…



Some of our final masterpieces to brag about:



Have a yearning for gardening? Shop all of our Orchard Supply Hardware line online or in store. And don’t forget to share your photos @LauraAshleyUSA !

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